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Università degli Studi di Perugia |
Venerdì, Luglio 19, 2019 15:56 |
2. C.Bardaro - I.Mantellini: "A Modular convergence theorem for general nonlinear integral operators", Commentationes Mathematicae, 36,(1996), pp.27-37. 3. C.Bardaro - I.Mantellini: "Modular approximation by sequences of nonlinear integral operators in Musielak-Orlicz spaces", Atti Seminario Matematico e Fisico dell'Università di Modena, special issue dedicated to Professor Calogero Vinti, suppl.vol.46,(1998), 403-425. 4. I.Mantellini - G.Vinti: "Phi-variation for nonlinear integral operators", Atti Seminario Matematico e Fisico dell'Università di Modena, special issue dedicated to Professor Calogero Vinti, suppl. vol.46(1998), pp.847-862 5. I.Mantellini: "Generalized sampling operators in modular spaces", Commentationes Mathematicae, 38(1998), pp.77-92. 6. C.Bardaro - I.Mantellini: "Linear integral operators with homogeneous kernel: approximation properties in modular spaces.Applications to Mellin-type operators and to some classes of fractional operators", Applied Math.Rev., vol.I, World Scientific Publ., Ed. G. Anastassiou, (2000), 45-67. 7. C.Bardaro - I.Mantellini: "On a singularity concept for kernels of nonlinear integral operators", International Mathematical Journal, 1 (no.3), (2002), 239-254. 8. C.Bardaro - I.Mantellini: "On approximation properties of Urysohn integral operators", International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 3, (2002), 129-148. 9. I.Mantellini - G.Vinti: "Approximation results for nonlinear integral operators in modular spaces and Applications", Annales Polonici Mathematici, 46(1), (2003), 55-71. 10. C. Bardaro - I.Mantellini: "On the reconstruction of functions by means of nonlinear discrete operators", Journal of Concrete and Applicable Mathematics, 1(4), (2003), 301-313. 11. C. Bardaro - I.Mantellini: "On some estimates for general sampling operators and approximation properties", International Journal Mathematical Science, 2(2), (2003), 289-326. 12. C. Bardaro - I.Mantellini: "Regular methods of summability and abstract Urysohn-type operators", International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 12(3), (2004), 335-359 . 13. C. Bardaro - I. Mantellini: "Approximation properties in abstract modular spaces for a class of sampling type operators", Applicable Analysis, 85(4), (2006), 383-413. 14. C. Bardaro - I. Mantellini: "Uniform modular integrability and convergence properties for a class of Urysohn integral operators in function spaces", Mathematica Slovaca, 56(4), (2006), 465-482. 15. C. Bardaro - I. Mantellini: "On global approximation properties of abstract integral operators in Orlicz spaces and applications", Journal Inequalities in Pure and Applied Mathematics,(electronic), 6(4), article 123, (2005). 16. C. Bardaro - I. Mantellini: "Estimates and superpositions of general nonlinear sampling operators and applications", Communications on Applied Nonlinear Analysis, 13(2), (2006), 1-36. 17. C. Bardaro - I. Mantellini: "Estimates for the approximation error of an abstract sampling type operator in Orlicz spaces", Functiones et Approximatio, 36, (2006), 1-26. 18. C. Bardaro - I. Mantellini: "Pointwise convergence theorems for nonlinear Mellin convolution operators", International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 27(4), (2006), 431-447. 19. C. Bardaro - I. Mantellini: "Voronovskaya type estimates for Mellin convolution operators", Results in Mathematics, 50(1-2), (2007), 1-16. 20. C. Bardaro - I. Mantellini: "Korovkin theorem in modular spaces", Commentationes Math., 47(2), (2007), 239-253. 21. C. Bardaro - I. Mantellini: "Multivariate moment type operators: approximation properties in Orlicz spaces", Journal of Mathematical inequalities, 2(2), (2008), 247-259. 22. C. Bardaro - I. Mantellini: "A Voronovskaya-type theorem for a general class of discrete operators", Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics, 39(5), (2009), 1411-1442. 23. C. Bardaro - I. Mantellini: "Asymptotic formulae for bivariate Mellin-type operators", Analysis in Theory and Applications, 24(4), (2008), 377-394. 24. C. Bardaro - I. Mantellini: "Korovkin theorem in multivariate modular function spaces", Journal of Function Spaces and Applications, 7(2), (2009), 105-120. 25. C. Bardaro - I. Mantellini: "A quantitative Voronovskaja formula for generalized sampling operators", East Journal on Approximation, 15(4), (2009), 459-471. 26. C. Bardaro - I. Mantellini: "Asymptotic formulae for bivariate discrete operators: applications to generalized sampling series and Szàsz-Mirak'jan type operators", PanAmerican Mathematical Journal, 20(1), (2010), 1-21. 27. C. Bardaro - I. Mantellini: "A quantitative Voronovskaja formula for Mellin convolution operators", Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics, 7(4), (2010), 483-501. 28. C. Bardaro - I. Mantellini: "Generalized sampling approximation of bivariate signals: rate of pointwise convergence", Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization, 31(2), (2010), 131-154. 29. C. Bardaro - I. Mantellini: "Vorovskaya formulae for Kantorovich type generalized sampling series", International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 62(3), (2010), 247-262. 30. C. Bardaro - I. Mantellini: "A quantitative asymptotic formula for a general class of discrete operators", Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 60, (2010), 2859-2870. 31. C. Bardaro - I. Mantellini: "Bivariate Mellin convolution operators: quantitative approximation theorems", Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 53, (2011), 1197-1207. 32. C. Bardaro - I. Mantellini: " Asymptotic formulae for multivariate Kantorovich type generalized sampling series", Acta Mathematica Sinica (English series), 27(7), (2011), 1247-1258. 33. C. Bardaro - I. Mantellini: " A note on the Voronovskaja theorems for Mellin-Fejer convolution operators", Applied Mathematics Letters, 24, (2011), 2064-2067. 34. C. Bardaro - I. Mantellini: " Asymptotic behaviour of Mellin-Fejer convolution operators", East Journal on Approximations, 17(2), (2011), 181-201. 35. C. Bardaro - I. Mantellini: " Approximation properties for linear combinations of moment-type operators", Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 62, (2011), 2304-2313. 36. C. Bardaro - I. Mantellini: " The moments of bivariate Mellin-Picard type kernels and applications", Integral transforms and special functions, 23(2), (2012), 135-148. 37. C Bardaro - I. Mantellini: " On convergence properties for a class of Kantorovich discrete operators", Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization, 33(4), (2012), 374-396. 38. C Bardaro - I. Mantellini: "On Voronovskaja formula for linear combinations of Mellin-Gauss-Weierstrass operators, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 218, (2012), 1017110179. 39. C.Bardaro - I. Mantellini: "On the iterates of Mellin-Fejer convolution operators", Acta Applicandae Mathematicae, 121, (2012), 213-229. 40. C. Bardaro - I. Mantellini: "Asymptotic formulae for linear combinations of generalized sampling operators", Zeitschrift fur Analysis und ihre Anwendungen, 32(3), (2013), 279298 41. C. Bardaro - A. Boccuto - X. Dimitriou -I. Mantellini: "Modular filter convergence theorems for abstract sampling type operators", Applicable Analysis, 92(11) (2013), 2404-2423. 42. C. Bardaro - A. Boccuto - X. Dimitriou - I. Mantellini: "Abstract Korovkin-type theorems in modular spaces and applications", Central European Journal of Math., 11(10), (2013), 1774-1784. 43. C. Bardaro - I. Mantellini: "On linear combinations of multivariate generalized sampling type series", Mediterranean J. Math., 10(4), (2013), 1831-1850. 44. P.L. Butzer - C. Bardaro - I. Mantellini: "Mellin Analysis and Exponential Sampling: Part I: Mellin fractional integrals", in: Proceeding of the 10th International Conference on Sampling Theory and Applications, 2013, Eurasip Open Library. 45. P.L. Butzer - C. Bardaro - I. Mantellini: "Mellin Analysis and Exponential Sampling: Part II: Mellin differential operators and sampling", in: Proceeding of the10th International Conference on Sampling Theory and Applications, 2013., Eurasip Open Library. 46. I. Mantellini: "On the asymptotic behaviour of linear combinations of Mellin-Picard type operators", Mathematische Nachrichten, 286(17-18), (2013), 1820-1832. 47. C. Bardaro - I. Mantellini: "On Mellin convolution operators: a direct approach to the asymptotic formulae", Integral Transform and Special Functions, 25(3), (2014), 182-195. 48. C. Bardaro - I. Mantellini: "Asymptotic expansion of generalized Durrmeyer sampling type series", Jaen Journal on Approximation, 6(2), (2014), 143-165. 49. C. Bardaro - I. Mantellini: "On pointwise convergence of nets of Mellin-Kantorovich convolution operators", Comment. Math., 53(2), (2013), 165-177 50. C. Bardaro - P.L. Butzer - I. Mantellini, "The exponential sampling theorem of signal analysis and the reproducing kernel formula in the Mellin transform setting", Sampling Theory in Signal and Image Processing, 13(1), (2014), 35-66 51. C. Bardaro - I. Mantellini - R. Stens - J. Vautz - G. Vinti, "Generalized sampling approximation for multivariate discontinuous signals and applications to image processing, in "New Perspectives in Approximation and sampling Theory", in Honor of Prof. Butzer's 85 birthday, Birkhaeuser, 2014, 87-114. 52. C. Bardaro - A. Boccuto - K. Demirci - I. Mantellini - S. Orhan, "Korovkin-type theorems for modular Psi-A-statistical convergence", Journal of Function Spaces, 2015, Article ID 160401, 11 pages. 53.
C. Bardaro - A. Boccuto - K. Demirci - I. Mantellini - S. Orhan, "Triangular
A-statistical approximation by double sequence of positive linear operators",
Results in Mathematics, 68(2-3), (2015), 271-291. 55. C. Bardaro - P.L. Butzer - I. Mantellini, "The foundations of fractional calculus in Mellin transform setting and applications", Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications, 21(5), (2015), 961-1017. 56. C. Bardaro -P.L. Butzer - I. Mantellini: "The Mellin-Parseval formula and its interconnections with exponential sampling theorem of optical physics", Integral Transform and Special Functions, 27(1), (2016), 17-29. 57. C. Bardaro - I. Mantellini: "Multivariate generalized sampling type series: estimates of pointwise convergence", Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (PAMM), 15(1), (2015), 651-652. 58 C. Bardaro - L. Faina - I. Mantellini: "Quantitative Voronovskaja formulae for generalized Durrmeyer sampling type series", Mathematische Nachrichten, 289(14-15), (2016), 1702-1720. 59. C. Bardaro - P.L. Butzer - I. Mantellini - G. Shmeisser: "On the Paley-Wiener theorem in the Mellin transform setting", Journal of Approximation Theory, 207, (2016), 60-75. 60. C. Bardaro - P.L. Butzer - I. Mantellini - G. Schmeisser: "Mellin analysis and its basic associated metric. Applications to sampling theory", Analysis Mathematica, 42(4), (2016), 297-321. 61. C. Bardaro - L. Faina - I. Mantellini: "A generalization of the exponential sampling series and its approximation properties", Mathematica Slovaca, 67(6), (2017), 1481-1496.
63. C. Bardaro - P.L. Butzer - I. Mantellini - G. Schmeisser: "A fresh approach to the Paley-Wiener theorem for Mellin transform and the Mellin-Hardy spaces", Mathematische Nachrichten, 290, (2017), 2759-2774. 64. C. Bardaro - P.L. Butzer - I. Mantellini - G. Schmeisser: "A generalization of the Paley-Wiener theorem for Mellin transforms and metric characterization of function spaces", Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis, 20(5), (2017), 1216-1238. 65. C. Bardaro - P.L. Butzer - I. Mantellini - G. Schmeisser: "Quadrature formulae for the positive real axis in the seeting of Mellin analysis: sharp estimates in term of the Mellin distance", Calcolo 55:26, (2018). 66. C. Bardaro - P.L. Butzer - I. Mantellini - G. Schmeisser: "Development of a new concept of polar analytic functions useful in Mellin analysis", to appear in Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations, 2019. 67. C. Bardaro - I. Mantellini - G. Schmeisser: " Exponential sampling series: convergence in Mellin-Lebesgue spaces," Results in Math. 74:119, (2019). 68. S. Balsamo - I. Mantellini: "On linear combinations of general exponential sampling series", to appear in Results in Math., 2019 69. C. Bardaro - P.L. Butzer - I. Mantellini - G. Schmeisser: " A residue theorem for polar analytic functions and Mellin analogues of Boas' differentiation formula and Valiron's sampling formula", arXiv:1906.01854v1 (2019).
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Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Via Vanvitelli, 1 - 06123
Perugia (Italy)